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Our Ambassador to Nigeria, Ahmet Melih Ulueren, received our company executives at our Nigerian Embassy. Our esteemed Ambassador, who provided us with very important information, made suggestions and shared all his experiences about Nigeria with us regarding the business areas that our company is interested in, about the business that can be done in Nigeria, with his hospitality, courtesy and respectable and sincere relations with Nigerian Senior Government Executives and people made our team very happy.

We would like to thank our Ambassador, who guides our Company and all Turkish companies with his knowledge, experience and very special relations he has established in Nigeria, with our wishes that his valuable services to our country will continue in the future.

After meeting with our ambassador, our Group CEO, Dr. Hulusi Söğütlü expressed his impressions by saying, "I am honored to meet an Ambassador, who we have missed and desired to see for a long time, who embodies many features, who glorifies our country's flag and honor in every field, and who is devoted to his country, flag and Atatürk's principles."
We would like to thank our Honorable Ambassador and his young and dynamic team for their hospitality and guidance.



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